Thursday, June 18, 2009

Space Inavader Moving Test

the timing on this is every ten frames, which would be a faster invader.

i also contacted oktobor, this is the link
the creative director responded with the technique used to build and animate the blocks. i was thinking of modifying it to build the big invaders.

"Hey there James.....
Patrick has passed on to me your details regards a couple of questions that you had for us around the Tiger Beer London spot...I will do my best to answer them for you....

We used 3dsMax to create these spots with Brazil as the renderer...
We used Particle Flow to control the brick animation.....
We used custom controllers that were scripted within the Particle Tools Box 3 software....
The actual animation of the bricks themselves was very simple....they rotated around by 180 degrees from front to back, they scale from zero to 100% over 2-3 frames and they move up in the z axis over 5-20 frames as well......
If you have any more specific questions, please drop me a line....

Damon Duncan | Head of 3D
Tel. +64 9 306 6616 | Mob. +64 21775015 |"