Thursday, July 30, 2009

Crunch Time

1: Composite
2: Composite


4: Composite

5: Ground Shake

6: Render
6.5: Put in Player 1 + Replace Asteroids
7: Put in Asteroids
9: Explode
10: Put in Player 1 Text + Explode 1~2 Invaders

Sunday, July 19, 2009

animation worksheet

I'm finalizing all the files/materials/camera/object buffer, they are under "final cam" in cameramatic. we need to add finer animation to them and bring them to rendering stage as soon as possible. as soon as they are ready we will start rendering the first few shots for composite.

X invader to cube -james
* cubes to big invader -james
* mushroom cloud explosion -ivan
* turtle to pieces -ivan
* pieces to cherry -ivan

shot 1: -ivan
* fine tuned asteroids animation
* invader+pong moving animation

shot 2: -james
* finer invader floating animation

shot 3: -james
* finer invader floating animation

shot 4: -james
* invader running to edge, rotate a bit

shot 5: -james
* finer invader floating animation
* second invader running to edge, rotate a bit

shots 6-26: finalizing


ghost moving test

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Model update

Major Models:
* explosion asterisk
* Mario Cloud - Jason
* Animate Turtle -Ivan
* Turtle w/o Body, Turtle Broken Parts -Ivan
* Animate Turtle -Ivan
X Asteroid Rocks - Ivan
X Small Invader - James
X Big Invader, Invader Broken parts - James
X Missiles from Player One - James
X Fire/Explosion -Ivan
X Mario's Face - Jenny
X Mario's body (hand,leg)-Jenny
X Pac Man - Jenny
X Ghost - Jenny
X Scared Ghost - Jenny
X Game Over Logo - Jenny


* Mario Land - Jason
X Mario Surface - Jason
X Pac Man World - Jason

Minor Models

* Mario Coins - Ivan
X Pong Bullets - Jason
X Missiles from Invaders - James
X Mario Blocks - Jenny
X Mario plant-Jenny
X pacman cherry-Jenny
X Mario Green Tunnel -Jason

2D Elements

* TV Screen - Jason
* Invader POV Interface - James
* 2D Asteroid World - Ivan
X Turtle POV -Ivan

Monday, July 6, 2009

File manager

Hey guys, I put a file manager in the important links, so we don't have to use fetch to download and upload files. It's really easy to use. The username is gameover3d, and the password, well, you know.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


hi team!

i just got on board as musician for this project, don't know how much involvement will really be required from me but it would be nice to know who all is contributing!

bit about me, i've been doing demoscene productions with the northern dragons since 2005, mostly as musician. check some of our prods @

been doing gameboy music since 2001, been doing noise/punk/electro music since before then. more music background and links than you can shake a stick at:

and during the day i sit at a digital agency up here in san francisco

summed up, h3110h!

Should we enter this contest? Might as well =]

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mario head?!

Does it look like Mario? I try my best >_<

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Organization System/FTP

ftp addr:
username: gameover3d
password: (same as rob's)

upload all the c4d files you are working on to "_models" or folders, and separate by "v.1", "v.2" etc. if you have new versions in the future. I will keep this place in sync with my hard drive and we can sync stuff up when we need to. And upload test renders and other example c4d files to "misc" and "images."

Space Invader Moving Test II

mario land - land


Sunday, June 21, 2009

3 out of the 4 games

Space Invaders made by Neave Games

Asteroids made by Neave Games

Pac-Man made by Neave Games


So Jason, the asteroid field can be animated by grouping the light to the camera and letting the asteroids come towards the camera using the emitter. to show the vastness of the asteroids world, setting the light with a fall off adds depth. Tell me what you guys think. Also, I need to look into thinking particles so they can collide with each other.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Space Inavader Moving Test

the timing on this is every ten frames, which would be a faster invader.

i also contacted oktobor, this is the link
the creative director responded with the technique used to build and animate the blocks. i was thinking of modifying it to build the big invaders.

"Hey there James.....
Patrick has passed on to me your details regards a couple of questions that you had for us around the Tiger Beer London spot...I will do my best to answer them for you....

We used 3dsMax to create these spots with Brazil as the renderer...
We used Particle Flow to control the brick animation.....
We used custom controllers that were scripted within the Particle Tools Box 3 software....
The actual animation of the bricks themselves was very simple....they rotated around by 180 degrees from front to back, they scale from zero to 100% over 2-3 frames and they move up in the z axis over 5-20 frames as well......
If you have any more specific questions, please drop me a line....

Damon Duncan | Head of 3D
Tel. +64 9 306 6616 | Mob. +64 21775015 |"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mario plant refine

Progress list

Jenny: mario plant, various mario cubes, other minor elements in mario world.
James:Invaders (small and big), Invaders forming, Invaders Breaking, Invader Missiles.
Ivan:Turtle, Turtle shell, inside Turtle shell, asteroid rocks.
Jason: Mario world, Mario tunnel, Pacman, Animatic, Cameramatic

week 6


Invader Blast test

Mario Blocks

Mario Plant

Animatic 2.0

new animatic

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Invader Blast

timing is funky, but I think the idea is there.

my laptop and my external hardrive crashed

I can't really work on anything right now, I'm going to go home so I can try to save it my files =/

Space Invader Models

I am testing out some animation with the missiles and the invaders "exploding". I will post some of the test renders later.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Animatic w/n sound

animatic no sound

Tunnel+World Test

Trying to make it not rotate!

with colors from original mario

flocking test

Required Elements

Major Models:
  • Asteroid Rocks
  • Small Invader
  • Big Invader, Invader Broken parts
  • Missiles from Player One
  • Fire/Explosion
  • Mario Cloud
  • Turtle w/ Body
  • Turtle w/o Body, Turtle Broken Parts
  • Mario's Face
  • Pac Man
  • Ghost
  • Scared Ghost
  • Game Over Logo
  • Mario Land
  • Pac Man World
Minor Models
  • Pong Bullets
  • Missiles from Invaders
  • Mario Blocks
  • Mario Coins
  • Mario Green Tunnel
2D Elements
  • TV Screen
  • Invader POV Interface
  • 2D Asteroid World
  • Turtle POV

Friday, June 5, 2009


Hi sorry guys, I couldn't finish the animatic since i was working on some type gradepoint for tmrw.

Can we change the meet to saturday, after 2? Ivan's TA time.

Thank You!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Here's my storyline -Ivan

The TV turns on to the asteroids game. The camera zooms into the world and the 2D asteroids turn 3D. The asteroids float for a couple of seconds and gracefully bump into each other. A big asteroid blocks the view of the camera and reveals the dark side of the asteroid where a group of space invaders are playing pong with each other.

In the middle of the game, a space invader from crowd looks to the side, and a big pixelated missile comes and the opponent explodes into pixels. Chaos ensues while the user begins to split all the asteroids sending fragments everywhere. The other player, now our hero, is quivering in shock while the pong ball passes past him and the now exploded invader gains a point.

The other invaders start forming and start shooting down at the user who is using the asteroids as shields. The space invaders start to dwindle and the camera zooms in to the terrified hero as he gets shot down. The camera follows his fragments to a near by planet.

As the fragment disintegrates into smaller and smaller pieces it hits a turtle causing the shell to accelerate and hit a row of turtles. The camera follows the shell as it bounces and destroy its friends. The shell eventually goes into a tunnel.

There is a pixelated transition to black and the turtle shell is in a continuous loop in the hallway of the pac-man world. The camera catches a glipse of a ghost, and the camera starts to follow one as he tries to corner pac-man, but pac-man eats a big sphere and a shock wave hits all the ghosts inverting their colors and droping them to the floor to a crawl. Pac-man goes around and starts to eat them one by one. Pac-Man is about to eat the last ghost but he gets hit by the shell. Game Over.

Something I stumbled upon

Pac Man

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Invader Sample Test

I was trying a couple of different rendering options. I think separation on the cubes adds depth although it might not be enough. what do you think? 

Monday, May 25, 2009

Good news everyone

You could use object mode cloner.

Ko's reply email pointed me to searching the topic of object mode cloner and found this post:

played with TextVolumeCloner.c4d in it and there it is, our modeling for the final starts from this method, animation will be easy with this method. The running speed and rendering is extremely low, that's the con, so we have to have to test with less cubes, OR we figure out how to optimize.

It's a start!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Potential Inspirations

Music and color:

mushroom model update

Space Invader World

obviously we will have to match the color accurately. is this too flat? is there more glow? this was a test run just to see the modeling aspect of invaders. are they "deep" enough? each type of invader also changes when it moves across the screen. so each one would have a position one and a position two.