Sunday, May 24, 2009

Space Invader World

obviously we will have to match the color accurately. is this too flat? is there more glow? this was a test run just to see the modeling aspect of invaders. are they "deep" enough? each type of invader also changes when it moves across the screen. so each one would have a position one and a position two.


  1. I think it's too flat. I'm not sure what Jason thinks but try to add more cubes in the front, like the space ship above can be more saucer shape or half a sphere with black windows and protruding legs. Still keeping the same frontal view though if you were to zoom out. You know what I mean?

  2. i'll see how it looks with cubes in the front at random depths.

  3. hi james, I think it's a straight forward approach but I think it can have more depth. I'm not sure how it's gonna come out so just test like one or two shapes.

    Like the green guy could be more like a pyramid shape u know, extruding in front and back and gradually becoming less cubes to make a pyramid. and the bottom legs could stay put and just change positions and animate as they go, for this we could simply maneuver the cubes and that could look really cool.

    another way of doing it would be making the invaders rotate, so they would have to look like position A when at 0 and 180 degrees and position B at 90 and 270 degrees.

    An idea that i thought about when i was looking at the colors was that we can use some time delay stuff like they do in the 70's, when the invader's come out.
